Henrietta Greene

Henrietta Greene

Originally from London and now living in Rotterdam, Henrietta manages Yogaground in the city centre. Previously she has worked in a variety of jobs, from English teacher to pastry chef, and on to an art specialist in a global auction house. In 2015 she finally made the leap out of an office environment and into teaching yoga full-time. Henrietta’s main aim when teaching yoga is to prove to people that their body is capable of so much more than they might initially think. Her classes can range from gentle and restorative, to punchy and loud, but whatever the style, Henrietta is most concerned with people enjoying their time on their mat. When she’s not teaching, she’s likely somewhere thinking about or eating food, looking at art, listening to music (loudly) or making a trip to see as much as of the world as she possibly can!


WordCamp Rotterdam 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!