WordCamp Rotterdam presenteert met trots: Juliette Reinders Folmer

Het aftellen naar WordCamp Rotterdam 2018 is begonnen. Op 23 en 24 maart a.s. is Rotterdam het epicentrum van WordPress. In de aanloop naar dit event introduceert WordCamp Rotterdam met trots haar line-up aan sprekers. In dit artikel: Juliette Reinders Folmer with Leveraging the WordPress Coding Standards to review plugins and themes!

Juliette Reinders Folmer is an all round consultant and developer who tries not be a geek. Juliette is a long-standing member of PHPWomen which helped her immensely to find her feet in the PHP world. She is ZCE, actively contributes to a number of open source projects, has published several articles and speaks at conferences when given the chance. She loves it when you give her a chance to refactor spaghetti-code to something elegant and maintainable.

Leveraging the WordPress Coding Standards to review plugins and themes

Ever been hesistant to upgrade to a newer WP version as you weren’t sure whether the theme and the plugins you use would be compatible ?
Or wondered whether installing a certain plugin would open your site up to security risks ?
Or maybe whether you would be able to present your customer with an interface in their language for a certain plugin ?

No matter whether you are a developer or you can’t tell divs from eval’s, PHP Codesniffer and the WordPress Coding Standards can help you. Let me tell you how.

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WordCamp Rotterdam 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!